Alguns Eventos da Terça 17/07

17/07 – Para confirmação de local e horário, verifique a programação oficial em:


CTD – XXV Concurso de Teses e Dissertações

CTIC – XXXI Concurso de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica

e-Science – VI e-Science Workshop

JAI – XXXI Jornadas de Atualização em Informática

SECOMU – XLII Seminário de Computação na Universidade

Painel 2 – How to improve computer science and information technology inter-society relations to address global challenges


Prof. Raimundo Macêdo (UFBA)


Dr. Sorel Reisman – 2011 IEEE Computer Science President

Prof. Ramon Puigjaner – Vice-President of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)

Dr. John White – Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of the ACM

Prof. Rodrigo Santos – President of Latin-American Center for Informatics Studies (CLEI)


Computer science and information technology scientific societies such as IFIP, IEEE CS, ACM, CLEI, SBC, among others, promote excellence and professional growth of its members by meeting their needs for access and exchange of technical information, publishing, education, among other necessities. As such, many of these societies present overlapping and complementary programs, and therefore some of them already maintain inter-society activities, cooperating in some areas towards common goals. Despite such cooperation efforts, we believe that contemporary world driven by global challenges – where interdependency cannot anymore be ignored -, open new opportunities to further explore inter-society relations. Discussing these opportunities and challenges are the motivations for this panel that we are organizing in the 2012 annual Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) Congress. In the panel, the invited panelists will have an opportunity to expose their society’s views and mechanisms, followed with discussions, also with the audience, on how to improve such collaborations in light of today’s challenges.

Local: AUDITÓRIO PRÉDIO ADMINISTRATIVO – Centro Politécnico – UFPR – 14:00 – 16:00

WEI – XX Workshop sobre Educação em Computação

WIM – XII Workshop de Informática Médica

DEsafIE!  – I Workshop de Desafios da Computação Aplicada à Educação

BraSNAM – Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining

NVIDIA GCDF – GPU Computing Developer Forum