
SBMF 2022

25th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods

6 - 9 December, 2022

Virtual Event

SBMF 2022 is the twenty-fifth edition of a series of events devoted to the development, dissemination, and use of formal methods for the construction of high-quality computational systems. It is now a well-established event, with an international reputation.

Along with SBMF, the 7th edition of the International School of Formal Methods and Theoretical Informatics (ETMF) will be held. Aimed at students, its purpose is to introduce basic concepts, methods and tools.

As in the last two years, this edition will be virtual.

Main SBMF conference: Dec, 7th – 9th, 2022

ETMF School : Dec, 6th - 9th, 2022

The SBMF Proceedings are available here.



Departamento de Computação da Universidade Federal de Sergipe